  • Why Sugar and Garlic at Pidyon Haben?Various explanations are given for this relatively new custom. Read More
  • What Is the Rebbe’s Favorite Prayer? When a curious boy posed a question to the Rebbe’s mother. Read More
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Virtually cut off from other Jewish centers, the Mountain Jews developed their own way of life.
Test your knowledge of the rabbis who shaped post-Talmudic Judaism.
Various explanations are given for this relatively new custom.
If you heard a world-class violinist in the subway, would you stop to listen? If you met the Master of the Universe while tilling a field, would you go over and talk?
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Jewish History
Elul 8, 5784
Jewish History
Laws and Customs
  • Elul Observances

    As the last month of the Jewish year, Elul is traditionally a time of introspec...

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